• E-mail: sahel@yourphysioathome.com
  • Phone: +44 7942 378010

Chronic Pain Management & General Fitness

Who It's For

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Chronic back pain
  • Arthritic pain
  • Weight management

What I Offer

Unfortunately, as I usually tell my clients, there is no magic wand for chronic pain. However, this does not mean that there is nothing that can be done. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that therapy input, specially that with a holistic approach, including hands on treatment such as massage, electrotherapy lifestyle and nutrient advise, and personalised exercise program can help reduce your pain score and improve your quality of life. Everyone is different and I am committed with working with you and listening to exactly what it is you want to provide you with best possible treatment programmes that fit with your lifestyle to help improve your quality of life and achieve what you want.

How It Helps

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Start Your Journey To Better Health

Set up a consultation today!

Call me +44 7942 378010

Email me sahel@yourphysioathome.com